Take a class with Tessa
Accountability Workshop,
Mondays 1-2:30pm ET; Wednesdays 1-2:30pm ET & 8-9:30pm ET
with writing coaches Tessa Fontaine & Annie Hartnett
Finish What You Started: For Novelists
Tuesday, April 23, 8pm ET
Finish What You Started: For Memoirists
Tuesday, April 30, 8pm ET
Manipulating Time
Westport Writers Workshops
Monday, June 17, 8pm ET
The Art of Death
(Online) Atlas Obscura
Starts Sept 24th, 5 weeks, 2:30-4pm ET
Essay in a Day
(Hybrid online & in person in Asheville, NC), Flatiron Writers Room
Monday, Jan 9th, 6-9pm ET
Memoir Builder
(Online) Great Smokies Writing Program
Beginning March 20th, 5 weeks, Mondays 1-3pm ET
Manipulating Time
(Online) Catapult
Mondays, Jan. 23 & 30, 2023, 7-9 p.m. ET
(more to come soon- check back!)
The Art of Death
(Online) Atlas Obscura
October 24-November 28 2022, Wednesdays, 5 weeks, 7:30-9pm ET (SOLD OUT)
Tessa is available, and has experience, teaching classes in MFA programs, Universities, literary organizations, colleges, high schools, clubs, or other venues.
Examples of other classes include: Novel Generator, Essay in a Day; Speculation and Invention in Creative Nonfiction; Innovative Forms; Immersive Journalism; 7 Steps to the Personal Research Essay; Monstrosity, and more.
Use the “Contact Me” page for more information.
Coaching, Manuscript Review & Editing Services:
Why me?
With eleven years of teaching and editorial experience, I have helped countless writers bring out the very best in their manuscripts, from my time as a Professor of Creative Writing at Warren Wilson College to acting as a visiting writer and teacher at dozens of other colleges and Universities around the country, such as the University of Louisiana’s MFA and PhD program, the College of William and Mary, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ MFA program. As the former Managing Editor of Western Humanities Review and Nonfiction Editor at Black Warrior Review, I understand the world of literary journals and editorial selection. I’ve acted as judge for awards like NPR’s Three-Minute-Fiction and the Utah Original Writing Competition. I have also taught at numerous conferences, workshops, and for literary organizations like Grubstreet, the Flatiron Writer’s Room, and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. In my own writing, I’ve published a critically-acclaimed memoir, award-winning essays, short stories, poems, academic papers, and have a novel forthcoming, and my experience ranges from the biggest New York publishing houses to small independent literary journals.
General Coaching:
Do you have a story to tell, but aren’t sure how to begin? Do you have questions about how to find an agent or a publisher? About magazine publishing or literary journals? Are you ready to finish a project or start a new one? Do you want to brainstorm aloud? Are you stuck? Are you struggling with structure? With motivation? With making time to write?
I work with writers in all stages of their writing life--from brand new to well-published. I love getting to be a part of your creative process, no matter what kind of creativity you cultivate, or what kind of questions you have. I can help you get deep into the projects that matter most to you, and find a sustainable schedule to get you to the finish line.
Coaching sessions are for more general conversations, rejuvenating your creative practice, making writing plans and sticking with them, and whatever else your personalized session brings up. I’ll give you tools for your writer’s toolbox, suggestions for further reading, and opportunities to ask follow-up questions. We can schedule ongoing coaching sessions, or a one-off.
Let’s make this happen. The world needs your writing.
One-on-One Manuscript Review & Editing
There’s nothing I love more than helping another writer get their story just right. I am available to read and critique manuscripts (novel, short story collection, memoir, personal essay collection, general nonfiction OR individual essays or stories). My approach is to always aim for the writer’s intent, to react to both what is already on the page and what the writer is trying to get at that may not yet be fully present. I love thinking through structure, form, metaphor, and working toward a piece of writer’s most ambitious intent. My hope is that in that process, the writer feels understood and responded to specifically. The kind of response will depend upon the needs of the writer, but can include line notes, chapter summations/comments, and a few pages of notes at the end. Before we begin, we will have a conversation wherein we determine how to best meet your needs, whether that be editorial brainstorming (generating ideas, conceptual support, developing plot/character, discovering themes, etc.), developmental edits (once you have some writing done, big picture stuff, story arcs, characterization, etc.), or line edits (further along in the process, editing for clarity, rhythm, movement, language-level beauty, etc.). When I am finished reading the manuscript we will schedule a zoom or phone session to go over my thoughts, and provide space for your questions.
Excited? I am. Let’s work together, and bring the world your words!
Inquire here for more information.
Tell me a little bit about who you are, what writing stage you’re in, and something about your project. If you are interested in working on a manuscript together, please send me approx. ten pages of sample writing in the body of the email. I’ll send you my fee sheet, and we’ll set up a consultation if I think we’re a good fit. I look forward to connecting!
Writer testimonials
“Without Tessa I could not have written the book I wanted to write. The book I needed to write. I urge any writer who’s eager to elevate their work to its most refined, honest, and most raw form possible, to work with Tessa. She was more than an editor. She was a mentor, a guide, a teacher, a lamp illuminating the dark, lonely, often frightening paths of writing. Her guidance gave me the courage to approach my grittiest, most difficult truths with enthusiasm and hope rather than fear and anxiety. With kindness, compassion, and a keen eye for detail, she guided me through the toughest terrains of the page, helped me unearth the deepest layers of my writing in a way that always made me feel safe and free to put absolutely anything on the page. Her eye for detail is microscopic yet non judgmental—I could not have finished my book without her.” - Will
“Tessa provided lots of material very well organized within a framework that made for a supportive collaboration among a small group (three) of writers. When she asked for feedback on what else she could do, my reply -- teach another course!” - Michele
“This was more than I thought possible in six weeks. VERY glad I did it.” - Pamela
“Tessa is outstanding. Her knowledge and resources were superb. I learned so much!” - Scott
“This is the best writing workshop I have taken.” - Vanessa
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