Interviews & Podcasts
WNYC, New York Public Radio, NPR, Midday Show: A Snake Charmer's Memoir on Defying Fear & Death
Live Wire with Luke Burbank, NPR, Episode 366: Tessa Fontaine, Abdi Nor Iftin, Moses Storm, and Laura Veirs
Kirkus Review Feature: Tessa Fontaine
ELLE Magazine Interview: Tessa Fontaine
The Wall Street Journal: Five Best Books on Daredevils
PBL Pod: Writers in Conversation (episode 32)
The News & Advance, Lynchburg, Virginia
Writing Fun Video Interview with Michelle Dunton
LITerally Podcast, Episode 33: Tessa Fontaine, “The Electric Woman”
Living Regret Free with Dr. Gayle, PRX, Tessa Fontaine, The Electric Woman
New Books Network, August 27, 2018: Tessa Fontaine, The Electric Woman: a Memoir in Death-Defying Acts
The Other F Word Podcast #95: Tessa Fontaine on Mother-Daughter Relationships
Publisher’s Weekly Radio 277: Tessa Fontaine; Book Expo Preview
TK with James Scott episode 57: Tessa Fontaine & Meg Reid
Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown’s 24 Pearl Street Faculty Spotlight: Tessa Fontaine
The Rumpus: “Telling the Truth Sideways: a Conversation with Tessa Fontaine”
Superstition Review: “Simplistic Truth: an Interview with Tessa Fontaine”
Country Roads Magazine: “Mightier Than the Sword: Tessa Fontaine teaches about the art of memoir at the Louisiana Book Festival”
The Nervous Breakdown: “Tessa Fontaine Self-Interview”
Portland KATU News, ABC, Afternoon Live, June 26th, 2018
Reading Women Video Interview, Kendra Winchester and Tessa Fontaine
Tessa reading from The Electric Woman at the 14th Annual Clemson Literary Festival, March 26, 2021

Media Kit
Bio (approx. 100 words)
Tessa Fontaine is the author of The Electric Woman: A Memoir in Death-Defying Acts, a New York Times Editors' Choice, finalist for the Utah Book Award, and best book of 2018 from Southern Living, Amazon Editors', Refinery29, PopMatters, and the New York Post. Other writing can be found in Outside, The New York Times Book Review, Glamour, The Believer, and Creative Nonfiction. Tessa won the 2016 AWP Intro Award in Nonfiction, founded Salt Lake City's Writers in the Schools program, has taught in prisons and jails around the country and was a professor of creative writing at Warren Wilson College. She currently lives in Asheville, North Carolina.
Bio (approx. 200 words)
Tessa Fontaine is the author of The Electric Woman: A Memoir in Death-Defying Acts, a New York Times Editors' Choice, finalist for the Utah Book Award, and best book of 2018 from Southern Living, Amazon Editors', Refinery29, PopMatters, and the New York Post.
Tessa spent the 2013 season performing with the last American traveling circus sideshow, the World of Wonders. An essay about the sideshow won the 2016 AWP Intro Award in Nonfiction. Other writing can be found in the Outside, The New York Times Book Review, Glamour, The Believer, Creative Nonfiction, LitHub, Brick, and more.
Raised outside San Francisco, Tessa got her MFA from the University of Alabama. She has received awards and fellowships from Tin House, Sewanee Writers’ Conference, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Writing by Writers, Squaw Valley Community of Writers. She was a professor of creative writing at Warren Wilson college, has taught for the New York Times summer journeys, founded Salt Lake City's Writers in the Schools program, and has taught in prisons and jails around the country. She currently lives in Asheville, North Carolina.
“Astounding, amazing, inspiring and a little bit terrifying.”
―Laura Herzel, Minneapolis Star Tribune

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